Aggelos Karvounis

Aggelos Karvounis

Head Officer at the Department of Interoperability and Electronic Services of the Ministry of Finance (GSIS)

Aggelos Karvounis is a Head Officer at the Department of Interoperability and Electronic Services of the Ministry of Finance (General Secretariat of Information Systems). He is responsible for the (technical) functionality of the electronic payment platform (e-Paravolo) as well as the Greek Interoperability Center. He holds a Bachelor degree and a Master Degree in “Telecommunication Systems and Networks” from the Information and Telecommunication Department of Athens University (EKPA). Since 2005 he works for the Ministry of Finance. He has also a long experience in the private sector (Technical Support of Intelligent Networks and Data Networks at Vodafone from 1998 to 2002)

Workshop II: Interoperability Framework in Public Administrations


Interoperability amongst public sector systems, services and data becomes a critical enabler for the digital transformation of public administration, the provision of new and user-centric public services, and for the implementation of the “once-only” principle. In March 2017, the new European Interoperability Framework was published by the European Commission introducing new elements and setting new requirements for the […]

Workshop II: Interoperability Framework in Public Administrations